Get that Job!

Supercharge your resume to get the interview.

Your resume only gets a few seconds in front of a recruiter or hiring manager before it's tossed or acted on...

These tips can make the difference.

topics Covered

The number 1 Tip

Add this to set your resume apart and give you the edge.

Job Objective

Should you use a general or specific job objective? Find out.

Be the answer

Add this element and you'll be the answer they are looking for.

Go big or go home

Learn how to do that something extra to get noticed...

Free Bonus - Killer Interview Question

I'll share a question that you can ask ANY interviewer and it will:

  • Instantly set you apart as someone who is valuable.
  • Demonstrate that you are a superior candidate.
  • Reveal what how you can be the person they need.
Glen Reed

Author spotlight

My dad started me doing my resume when I was 12 and I've created countless versions of it since then. I've worked for corporations, non-profits, small businesses and startups. I worked as a marketing and technical writer for 25 years and much of that was on a short term contract basis. That meant I had to job hunt constantly and apply for several hundred jobs... and go to many many interviews.... and do a resume for each.

I did one resume for Oracle that someone who saw it remembered it 10 years later when I met them! I learned some great tips that will help you succeed. 

Glen Reed

Readers say

Great tips in Glen's eBook. 

Paul Smith

I've used the tips in Resume PowerTips and they definitely made a difference.

Martha Hoff

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  • One tip could help you land your dream job...and more pay.
  • These tips are easy to follow - you can make your resume shine!
  • You've most likely NEVER seen one of these tips... and it's GOLD!